Questy Greybeard SPOTTED on Panda Pairs!!

Hey Pandas,

Henry recently posted a post on his blog about a new panda coming named 'Questy Greybeard', you can check our more info on that clicking HERE.

So the Pandanda Partnership was thinking, "Who on Pandanda has a Gray Beard..?" After thinking for a few minutes, we realized there is a Gray Bearded Panda in the mini game, Panda Pairs!!

You first see this panda when you reach level 5 on Panda Pairs! ^.^

So, could this be Questy Greybeard? If not, then what kind of strange Panda is he?

Tell us what you think by commenting on our FORUM POST on our PandaSpace!!! :D

Also, If you want to post about this on your blog, please GIVE US CREDIT FOR FINDING THIS, with a link and a name back to this site. :)



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