So if your one of those pandas who love dressing up, today is Pink Day on Pandanda! Henry updated his blog with some facts about the color Pink:
It's Thursday, so it must be PINK PANIC COLOR DAY!! Mod Jule sent in a Think Pink picture to help inspire everyone to dress in as much pink as possible today!
Did you know that the color pink can make you feel energetic and confident? When you are really happy you might say you are "tickled pink!" And when we feel in good health, we are "in the pink!"
Put on your pink Panda Paint, pink clothes, pink accessories, and anything else pink you can find. Get a HUGE crowd of pink pandas together and change the Purple Door to the Pink Door!
Celebrate the positively perfect color PINK!
Lol, so like most color days, everyone on Pandanda is dressed in pink today! xP It looks like the Pandanda island was painted pink!
xP So did you dress up in pink today? Tell us in the Comments!
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