Bunny Potion back for Limited Time!

Back in Easter, Pandanda released a Bunny Potion as a prize in the Easter Party. Since then, Pandanda has given out these potions for a limited time twice! And now, the time has come to stock back up on the potions once again!

Henry says - "They probably won't last long so be sure to pick up some this weekend!"

They will be available starting tonight!

~Lime12101, Pandanda Cheats™ President

Henry Blogs Fan Photos!

Henry finally updated his blog after days of being on a "no-post streak".

A few newspapers ago, Pandanda featured some fans photos. Ever since then, A number of Panda's have sent their photo's off to Pandanda.

Today, Pandanda featured a number of those photos! :D Here are the pictures they featured:

Submitted by 1Beta1:

Submitted by nike64:

Submitted by kokoda:

Submitted by Frosty32:

Submitted by purplebanana:

Submitted by Ariel2260:

These are pretty cool! I wish I would of known, I saw a bunch of scenes that would be good for a picture!

Maybe we should throw a sleeping party and everybody should donate their pics! Don't ya think!?

~Lime12101 Pandanda Cheats president

Pandanda Cheats™ Q & A!

Hey Pandas!

There isn't much going on in Pandanda lately, So PDC is going to do a little "community" thing. A Q and A page, so you can know us a bit better ;-)

How it Works:

Alright, So your going to give us questions about us in your comments (eg: "What's your favorite food?" "What's your favorite thing to do on the comptuter?")
And if your wondering, they don't just have to be our favorites they can be all of the Who, What, where, when, why, and how's.

So lets get commenting! We will answer 10 Comments after one week! Both, Alto Bhai and Lime12101 will try to answer all the questions! Oh ya, and no copying other panda's questions! ;-)

~Lime12101 & Alto Bhai, Pandanda Cheats™

Zing Ballyhoo's newest prize... Island Background ! :D

Hey Pandas!
Zing Ballyhoo has just given out his 4th prized treasure!
Heres how you get it:

1. Open your map in Pandanda.
2. Click the Treehouse lobby.
3. Click on Zing Ballyhoo.

4. Look for tickets around Pandanda, they pop up like Cans and Fruits do (Note: you can't find tickets in tree's or in the fishing pond).

5. Once you find ten golden tickets, return to Zing Ballyhoo to receive your prize.

THIS WEEKS PRIZE IS...... Island Background !

Its been a while since a new bg came on Pandanda. I'm really glad zing gave out somethin other than a hat this time :P
And here is what it looks like on your playercard:

I think it's really Cool! But I stil want him to bring out Pant Items :P
I cant wait till the next Item Zing Ballyhoo brings :D
What do you think of the prize?

- AltoBhai, Pandanda Cheats ™ Vice President -

Henry's playercard updates!

Last Week, Pandanda updated playercards! They added the Date you joined Pandanda, and how many days ago that day was.

When I was posting about it, I noticed something really strange, Henry's player card said that he was born on October 31st 2007, when Pandanda only started on October 31st 2008.

Click here to view that post.

Today, I noticed that Henry's age has changed to the day Pandanda was made, October 31st 2008.

Here is a picture:

Weird, ain't it? It was probably a mistake, and they put "7" instead of "8" or something...What do you think?

~Lime12101 Pandanda Cheats President

Zing Ballyhoo Item Number 3!

Hey Pandas!

Zing Ballyhoo has just given out his 3rd prized treasure!

Heres how you get it:

1. Open your map in Pandanda.
2. Click the Treehouse lobby.
3. Click on Zing Ballyhoo.

4. Look for tickets around Pandanda, they pop up like Cans and Fruits do (Note: you can't find tickets in tree's or in the fishing pond).

5. Once you find ten golden tickets, return to Zing Ballyhoo to receive your prize.


It's really cool! But they should make something thats not a hat, ya know?

Here is how it looks like on your Panda:

And here is what it looks like on your playercard:

The Prize is really Sweet! But, Don't you think Pandanda should get Zing to give out a Pant item? When Beta ends, I don't want to be walking around bottom-less! ;-)

What do you think of the prize?

~Lime12101 Pandanda Cheats president

How old is your Panda? Awesome Playercard Update!

Hey Pandas!

Pandanda has just updated our playercard's, to tell how old you are! The Card now shows the day you made your panda, and how many days ago was that day. I love this feature! You can brag to your friends how old you are! :P

Here are our playercards:



Cool! Im Older then Alto! lol!

Just for the fun of it, I looked at Henry's playercard to see how old he is, look:

Wait, Im confused, Didn't Pandanda only start on October 31, 2008? Wow...Freaky!

I Love this update! Tell us your birthday's and ages, also tell us how you like the new update!

~Lime12101 Pandanda Cheats president

Pandanda Nubbing Glitch!

We've received many comments informing us about a Glitch that was recently discovered on Pandanda, the Walking under the Chat bar Glitch A.K.A The nubbing being pandas glitch A.K.A The Nubbing Glitch A.K.A The Nubbin' Glitch ;-)

You can "Nub" behind the Chat Bar OR you can nub behind a Special Panda on Pandanda.

Read my step-by-step tutorial to help with the glitch.

1. Go to a room with a Door in it (Treehouse Lobby, Den, East Market Street, West Market Street, Bear Hollow)
2. Click "TAB" on your keyboard.

3. Click Tab until a yellow box is over the door.

4. Put your cursor over a Panda (If you want to nub behind a panda) or the chat bar (If you want to nub under the chat bar).

5. Make sure the yellow box is over the door AND the cursor is where you like at the same time.
6. After completing number 5 click "ENTER" on your keyboard.

Your panda will walk over to the place where your cursor was, and you will be officially Nubbing!

When nubbing behind the chat bar, you can move from side to side, clicking the sides of the chat bar, and other places on the chat bar.

When you nubbing behind a Panda, you can talk and it will look like the Panda's Talking!

Here is what it looks like when I nub:

I think this is one of the coolest Glitches, I hope Pandanda doesn't fix it! Visit my Cheats & Glitches page for more Cheats & Glitches!

~Lime12101 Pandanda Cheats President

PS: Alto is on vacation and he will be back on Tuesday (July 21st)

New Zing Ballyhoo item Mexican Hat

The new Zing Ballyhoo item is out and its a Mexican Hat. When u have 10 tickets, go to the Tree House Lobby and click on zing then click yes. To learn how to collect Tickets Click here!

Then this message will pop up to inform u that it has been added to ur closet

This is wat the hat looks like on ur player card :-

And this is wat it looks like on ur panda :-

I wonder wat next item will be? Comment wat u think.
P.S: Pandanda Cheats ™ now has a new template :D
- AltoBhai, Pandanda Cheats ™ Vice President -

Ultimate Walking on walls glitch!


Okay, For months now PDC has gotten a ton of email's with pictures of panda's on walls. We have proven that those pictures are glitches. The Panda's that are on the walls don't know that they are there.

After that, we got more emails with panda's actually showing off that they got on walls, we found out those were Hackers.

But today, I found this awesomely cool Walk on Walls Glitch that everybody can do, and you know when your doing it! It's really sweet! Listen carefully to my step-by-step tutorials:



1. Open your map and go to the Pawthorne Forest.
2. Go into the Den in the forest.
3. Walk to the bottom-right corner of the room.

4. Click on the door or above the door (Make sure the arrow cursor is on).

5. While your walking towards the door, click the Line Four game.

6. Keep the Purple Line Four menu up until you see you Panda on the wall to the left.

7. When you see your panda on the left, close the Line Four menu.

TA-DAA! Now you will be on the wall, You can sit, dance, talk, jump, and almost every thing else on the wall! It's really cool!

Also, you can do this on the other side of the Den, on the ladder.

And, You can do it at the Big Scoop on the door!

I think this is one of the coolest Pandanda glitches! WAY cooler then the one I posted yesterday, right guys? What do you think of the glitch?

If you have any questions, comment.

~Lime12101 Pandanda Cheats President

Duplicating Furniture Glitch!

UPDATE: Pandanda has just fixed this glitch! :-(

Hey Guys!

I just found this sweet glitch on Pandanda, that you can have two of one piece of furniture!

Video Tutorial:

Picture Tutorial:

1. Go to your Treehouse.
2.Click "Edit Mode".

3. Left click on a piece of furniture.

4. Right click on the piece you clicked.

5. Click the "x" on the exit edit mode bar.

6. The item will appear at the bottom of your Treehouse.

7. Open edit mode again.
8. Click on your inventory, the duplicate item should drop in the box when you click.

9. Find the item in your inventory and take out.

10. Once you take the item out, there will be two in your Treehouse!

This is really cool! Sadly, when you log off the duplicate goes away. I tried to sell the duplicate but Mr.Elmhurst didn't give me any money!! I think this would be good if you were having a party and you needed extra furniture. The chances of getting banned is very low.

Pandanda Cheats™ will not be held responsible if you get banned while doing this cheat.

Cool! Don't ya think so? Comment your thoughts!

~Lime12101 Pandanda Cheats president