Henry updates his blog

Henry updated his blog Today. This is the blog post :-

Hey everyone! As you may have already noticed, there are now 2 servers for Pandanda, Willow and Oak! When you log in you'll see both servers listed and you'll need to choose which one to play on. The servers are identical and each time you log in you get to choose which server you want. 

Now, to answer a few questions I've been getting. 
  • Will I be able to keep the Easter Egg Hunt prizes after Beta? 
    Yes! You will get to keep all items from special events! This includes the Egg Hunt items, Winter Party items, and Valentine's Day items so far. 

  • Will the bunny potion will be around after Easter? 
    Paige might be able to obtain some more bunny potions in the future but it could be a long time. So stock up this week!

Lastly, I wanted to remind everyone that I'll be in Pandanda this Saturday. I have a lot of pandas to meet so I'll be moving around a lot to each location and between both servers. So the best chance of meeting me is if you don't move around too much. I will be around for about an hour and I want to make sure I can meet everyone! 

Check the list below to find out when I'll be in Pandanda for your time zone. For everyone in Australia, I will try to visit you again at a better time later this spring! 

I cant wait till Saturday. Plus we will be able to keep the items we got at parties after Beta =D

- AltoBhai, Pandanda Cheats ™ Vice President -


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