Henry's Level 5 Exclusive Party!

Hello Pandas!

Thank you for all your wonderful feedback about how much you have been enjoying the new quests. So have I! Some of you have been working very hard to increase your level so I have an exciting announcement for those that are quickly leveling up.

This coming Saturday, October 9th, there will be an exclusive Level 5 and above party with me, Henry, on a special server. Look for the server "Palm" on Saturday which will only allow Pandas Level 5 and above to log in. If you are part of the small exclusive group of people who will make at least Level 5 by this Saturday then you will get to party with me in my tree house, have personal photos taken, and best of all … everyone coming to the party will be the first to get an exclusive VIP Level 5 Hoodie!

The party starts this Saturday, 10:30am Pandanda Time. I hope to see you there!

- BetaOmer


50000Guy said...

I am so going to that party!

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