In fact, Lately we've been having them every week!
How do we find out about these parties?
Well, on twitter at least three of the pandas of the Pandanda Partnership tweet about a Mini Party, like this:
We have about 2 Mini Parties a week!
Sometimes, we give away memberships, and sometimes we just chill out :D
Here are some pictures from our previous Mini Parties:
So how do I sign up for twitter?
Just go to and click the yellow "Get Started Now" Button.
Then Put in your details, and fill out the word verification.
Finally, Click "Next Step" at the bottom of the page, 3 times.
There you go :D You offically have a twitter account!
Go to these twitter accounts:
And click the "Follow" Button. Now, everytime you login to twitter - you can see our updates on your dashboard!
See you at the next party ;-)
-The Pandanda Partnership
AltoBhai, BetaOmer, Blowsight10, Lime12101, Polkagirl919
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