Snow covers Pandanda!

Last week Pandanda's forecaster predicted snow! Today it has reached Pandanda! All the room accessible by map and Misty Hill are now covered with snow.

The fishing hole is now frozen and there are only 4 holes in the ice from where we can fish. I suspect it getting a bit to cramp xP

I wonder if Paige will start wearing new clothes since winter's now here :P
This is what Henry had to say about the snow :-

Hey everyone!

Wow, it looks like the Pandanda Weather Forecaster was spot on with the weather prediction! Snow has covered Pandanda Land in wonderful and festive white frosting. Even the lake down at the Fishing Hole has frozen over! But don't worry, Fishy Joe cut some holes in the ice so you can still fish.

So put on your scarves and stocking caps and get out to enjoy the snow! Just be sure to cozy by the fire in the Book Nook if your feet get cold!

What do you think about the snow? Tell us your views by commenting on this post!
P.S. : Since this is a new season, Pandanda will probably be getting a new Clothing Catalog! Keep viewing PDC for news about this.

- AltoBhai, Pandanda Cheats ™ Vice President -


Anonymous said...

It looks kinda freaky when its the night time in pandanda though!

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